Monday, July 7, 2008

Important Question

I am really new to blogging... and I have a question. When I receive a comment and I try to reply... via email... I don't think people are receiving and answer... Often times their email address shows as their name and then <> I am not sure what to do about this... How do I respond to someones comment? I really could use some help... it took me so long to realize that people aren't getting my emails... That might be a lot of you... I am so sorry... Anyone have an answer on how to reply?


beki said...

This is one of the mail reasons I left blogger. I used to find the commenter's email address from their blog if it was available, then reply to them that way, with their comment copied and pasted in the email, so that they knew what I was talking about.

Bloggin' Mama said...

Sometimes I do what the Beki said and sometimes I just go to their blog and add a comment on their most recent post referencing the comment they left on my blog.

Bloggin' Mama said...

That wasn't suppose to say "the Beki"..... just "Beki". I guess it pays to proofread.... sorry.

Anna - Three Sneaky Bugs said...

Aha! I've only been blogging since January, but I can think of at least 10 people that have left blogger for greener pastures because of this. Personally, I've never had a problem with them on wordpress but there's got to be a trick to it on blogger.

henny said...

Shelly, maybe you can try this :
go to your Blogger dashboard, click 'Setting', then go to 'Comments'. Choose anything there you want for your blog 'Comments Setting'. You don't need to reply to their email, I think. If someone likes your blog then she/he would make reguralry visiting and see the previous comments, too. So if you answer all the comments at your blog, I think they would know it. That's what I did.
My other advice: you can track your favourite blogs from a feed subscriber like 'Bloglines' ( So you can read all by one click, saving your time :)
I hope it could help.

Melissa said...

I usually just answer the question on the comments section in my own blog. I don't know if people actually come back and check to see if they were answered, but I don't know of any other way to do it.

tamdoll said...

When I get a comment, I'll go to the webpage & click on their name, if they have an email reply there - or go to their blog and leave a comment there. I'll usually subscribe to their blog after that, too in my feedreader. If none of those work, then I'll comment on my own blog beneath their comments and hope that they see it one day! Or.. even another post sometimes, too.

Chile said...

Here's a perspective from a blogger coming from a long background with discussion boards and forums: I like the back and forth that happens in the comments section. It's nice to hear from other bloggers by email (although I have to initiate that exchange because I don't publish my email address) but then no other readers get the benefit of discussion.

Yes, I understand there are things better for private e-mail but keep in mind that some of us love the comments section as much as the blog posts. :)